Quotes of the Day

Friday, Jun. 02, 2006

Open quoteEating well is no longer an issue confined to the kitchen or the grocery store. Today, health-conscious cookers are turning to the web for help in researching, preparing and learning about food. Here are nine tasty sites, as compiled by TIME's Jeremy Caplan, to help you surf the web - the healthy way.


Food Network
See how to replicate that tasty looking stuff from the Food Network at home

An oldie but a goodie. Classic site that covers not just recipes but techniques, tools and tips.

Cooking For Engineers
This homemade site's innovative recipe design lets you see both ingredients and how-to steps in simple, streamlined grid


Saute Wednesday
A clean, simple take on everything food, with great links to newspapers' food sections, food blogs, and all the food news and links you can stomach

The Food Section
For those who like reading about the food world nearly as much as they like eating, this is a useful starting point

Great restaurant reviews in various cities, as well as colorful writing on good eats


Cook's Illustrated
For serious foodies who want scientifically proven recipes and a Consumer Reports-like approach to food tools

Crash Test Kitchen
A fun take on amateur cooking from a lively Australian duo

Keeping up with the recipe-writing world Close quote